On the fourth day of Christmas, DCHC highlights these services to you: Immunizations. *Vaccines for children: Ensures all children (age 0-17) can get vaccinated at no charge even if they…
On the third day of Christmas, DCHC highlights these services to you: Early Childhood Services.*Birth Certificates: $15.00*Immunizations: Free for uninsured children under the age of 18. Childhood vaccinations are typically…
On the second day of Christmas, DCHC offers these services to you: Health Screenings*Heart Healthy Screenings: $19.50(Includes height/weight, BMI, blood pressure assessment, waist circumference, and blood work for lipid panel…
As the holiday season is upon us, we are excited to share our "12 Days of Services". Over the next 12 business days, we will share services that are offered…
FieldDataNameNorthwood R4 SchoolAddress3734 N Highway 19, Salem, MO 65560Public Health PriorityHighInspection Date12-2-22Reinspection12-12-22InspectorRoma Jones, EPHS ENV.-INSPECT-..-NORTHWOOD-R4-SCHOOL_01092023131226Download
FieldDataNameOak Hill R1 SchoolAddress6200 S Highway 19, Salem, MO 65560Public Health PriorityHighInspection Date12-1-22Reinspection12-12-22InspectorRoma Jones. EPHS ENV.-INSPECT-..-OAK-HILL-R1-SCHOOL_01092023131134Download
The Dent County Health Center hosted a Narcan Education Event on Monday, November 28, 2022. View the recording of the event below. If you're interested in attending future education events,…
Click below to download Ical event community_narcan_event.icsFile Size: 420 kbFile Type: icsDownload File narcan (naloxone) saves lives Narcan is a safe and effective way to save the life of someone…
FieldDataNameSalem R80 Middle SchoolAddress1400 W Tiger Pride Dr, Salem MO 65560Public Health PriorityHighInspection Date11-14-22ReinspectionNAInspectorRoma Jones, EPHS ENV.-INSPECT-..-R80-MIDDLE-SCHOOL_01092023130912Download