Minutes of the October 23rd, 2024 Open Session

Dent County Health Center

Board of Trustees

The open portion of the meeting was called to order at 5:34pm by Chairman Bob Parsons. In attendance were Bob Parsons, Carol Lacy, and Bob Gravley, Lori Hasten and Dennis Floyd, Zach Moser, and Roma Jones.

Bob Gravley moved to enter closed session pursuant to RSMo 610.021 (3,13) to discuss personnel hiring, the RFQ, and real estate.  A roll call vote was held as follows:  Bob Gravley – Aye; Carol Lacy – Aye; Dennis Floyd – Aye; Bob Parsons – Aye; Lori Hasten – Aye.

The Board returned from Closed Session at 6:55pm. Carol Lacy moved to adjourn. Lori hasten seconded and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:56pm.