Requests for Public Records:
According to Missouri law, all public records of public governmental bodies are open to the public for inspection and copying. The administrator shall act as the custodian of records. All requests for public records of the Health Department should be given, in writing to the administrator. A fee may be charged which does not exceed the actual cost of search and duplication, and payment may be requested prior to the making of copies. Original public records of the Health Department will not be removed from the premises. Requests for access to public records shall be acted upon by the end of the third business day following the date the request is received by the administrator, except for reasonable cause. If access to records is denied or delayed, the administrator shall provide, upon request, a written statement of ground for denial or delay.
Material, which is open to the public, shall be kept separate, as far as practicable, from materials that are closed to the public.
Examples of public records
- Activity reports
- Notice of open meetings
- Board meeting agenda
- Minutes of Meetings of Board of Trustees (excluding Closed Session Minutes)
- Job descriptions
- Assessed valuations
- Annual budget
- Audit reports
- Financial reports
- Food inspections
- Sewage permits
- Motel inspections
- Environmental complaints
Examples of closed records
- Minutes of Closed Session of Board of Trustees
- Applications for employment
- Personnel records
- Grievance filings
- Individual earnings records
- Bank statements
- Vital records, unless allowed by statute
- All patient medical records, except as allowed by statute
- WIC client files
Reference: RSMO 610.010-610.030, 167.183